Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Photo Finish.

Almost two years ago, I bought a Canon EOS Rebel XS DSLR camera on eBay. I was very curious about photography, especially how to take better photos of my husband's band, Broadway Mile. When I first got my camera, I was reading lots of photography blogs and websites, and chatting with some professional photographers getting around local gigs to learn about taking clear, crisp photos in low light.

I took my camera to lots of gigs and shot literally hundreds of photos at each one, then spent hours the following day flicking through all the pics, choosing the best ones to pass on to the band and post on Facebook. 

I'd take my camera to other events - family get-togethers, parties, day trips around the local area - but it is quite big and bulky, and sometimes the effort seemed too great, or I'd worry about it getting damaged or lost. I found myself wishing I had it with me if I'd decided to leave it at home and then other times I'd bring it with me and not open the case because I was embarrassed to drag it out. I both loved and resented my camera, and still wanted to improve my photography skills.

I stumbled across a way I could make better  use of my fancy camera when I read about a few people participating in Project 365, where a person takes and shares one photo every day for a whole year. Some people have themes - gratitude, landscapes, sunsets, self portraits - but others leave it more open, simply snapping and sharing anything that crosses their path in a day.

I decided to document 2012 in picture form, one day at a time, and started a Tumblr blog to share my view of the world each day. I try to capture something that seems to be a theme running through my day, and I try hard to use my camera, but some days I end up capturing a moment of my day on my phone if my camera is not handy.

Want to see some of my favourite pictures so far?

May 28, 2012.
Brooch and scarf.
May 28

May 22, 2021.
Fresh, fat basil leaves.
May 22

May 19, 2012. Autumn sky.
May 19

May 11, 2012.
Native flowers.
May 11

May 3, 2012.
Autumn fields.
May 3

Apr 30, 2012.
Hydarangea skeletons.
Apr 30

Apr 22, 2012.

Looking in.
Apr 22

Apr 16, 2012.
Hairy caterpillar.
Apr 16

Apr 8, 2012.
Easter table setting.
Apr 8

Apr 6, 2012.
Riverside sunset.
Apr 6

Apr 5, 2012.
Macadamia nuts from our tree.
Apr 5

Mar 22, 2012.
Napping Jessie.
Mar 22

Feb 19, 2012.
Crochet owl, made by me.
Feb 19

I’m cheating today and posting two photos!
Taken Feb 17, 2012.
Brendan killing it on drums with Broadway Mile at the Cambridge.
Feb 18

Feb 4, 2012. 
Morning spiderweb.
Feb 4

Afternoon light.
Jan 27
Give it a try for a week or a month, and see how much beauty you can find in your life every day!


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